Monday, June 25, 2007

Ice Breaker

I have got to say- it felt really good. I received my first, “You’ve lost weight” comment. People have commented but it’s all been people that know I’ve been working at it - or it will be me saying initiating the subject and friends jumping in to say - “Yes- you’re looking good.” That is nice but it’s always the first "out of the blue" compliment that feels the best. It broke the ice because about a week after that someone else said something. Yeah!

22 weeks- 40 lbs

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Train Wreck

Well, I was all caught up and now I’m not. I have decided to not post on a weekly basis at this point until after the wedding. Things have been so busy with invitation prep, garden re-haul and now, something we’ve put off for two years- painting the living room. That project starts tomorrow - not an easy task considering it’s a large living room and the ceiling must also be done. It should be fun though, Adam has a couple of days off work so we’re doing it together. Funny thing was that we were supposed to be flying to Salt Lake City for Adam’s Granddad's 90th. Unfortunately our passports did not make it . This is not good considering also that we need a marriage license which may be difficult, considering our passports are somewhere on a bureaucrat’s desk in Ottawa.

I have not been exercising due to some problems with my leg. I’m not really sure what it’s all about but I think that I hurt it doing stairs. I also have developed a rather sudden case of plantar’s fascitis. I know, I know- I’m quite the train-wreck. Hopefully I will not have to hobble with a cane at my own wedding! Considering that one is not supposed to get these things after losing a fairly significant amount of weight, I am most disturbed! Now I must go seek some lumps for my shoes. I have been hill-walking and hiking on a regular basis, my leg does not really hurt during these activities- only when I try to get up or bend it a certain way.

Last weekend- the long weekend was the longest biggest baddist binge ever. I had patiently waited for a long time and took full advantage of my free weekend. Filled myself with pork at our friend’s annual Pig roast- funny how filling fatty meat can be. Glogged down loads of wine. Took the opportunity to eat loads of cheese. Ruined a steak on our new BBQ and was very pouty until Adam rushed out to get a carton of Ben and Jerry’s to console me. It was peanut-butter cup flavor and I didn’t really love it - but I had been wanting ice-cream for weeks and I enjoyed it . I probably did gain some weight but could not face the scale until today- and now I’m back to what was good!

Right now I’m really not doing anything but eating the foods that I know are healthy and restricting wheat. I’m enjoying a cup of coffee ( with cream) every day to give me an afternoon boost. Tonight I may have a glass of wine.

So 39 lbs lost- 20 weeks