Sunday, May 6, 2007

The Okinawa Program

This book was written by three doctors who based their information on a twenty five year study of Okinawan Centenarians. Okinawans are the healthiest and longest- lived population in the world- so they must be doing something right!

The diet itself is kind of complicated in that many of the types of foods overlap- but it comes down to just common sense eating, especially for those who are in the know about their healthy living.

Here is the Diet

Each Day- 7-13 servings whole grain foods- sounds like a lot but servings are generally small.

9-17 Servings fruits and vegetables

2-4 Servings flavonoid foods- tofu, flax seed, tea, soy milk

2-4 servings calcium foods- low fat dairy, OJ, broccoli, cabbage

1-3 servings Omega -3 foods- fish, flax

1-2 tablespoons vegetable oils or condiments

Each Week

no more than 7 servings of meat, poultry, eggs’

0-3 servings sweets

alcohol in moderation

So basically this is a lifestyle high in fiber and complex carbohydrates- lower in protein.
As i had mentioned, it is not quite clear whether you should be having all of the servings listed here. For instance if I had kale one night would that count as one veggie or one calcium food or would it count as one of both. It did not turn out to be a big issue as I didn’t really measure my foods or anything- just tried to eat sensibly within the parameters. I found it to be quite easy as this is kind of a natural way for me to eat. I love flax oil and probably have too much of it- but at least it’s not butter. We did cut our meat consumption but didn’t have a problem with it. One favorite meal has turned out to be buckwheat noodles with steamed veggies and baked marinated tofu. just throw them all in a bowl and drizzle some hot-sauce and some Bragg’s amino acid or some sesame oil along the side of the bowl! YUM.

i started this program right after the disastrous Yeaster ans have now completed two weeks-

30 lbs down- I had hoped for more- i had thought that the Yeaster gain was all bloat and would easily flow off - but it’s been hard work. Damn that fondue!!

I found out last week that I did not make the cut for X-Weighted- initially I was upset- ego bashed- but then I realised that it may have been too invasive.

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